Venture Voices: responds to COVID-19
About our venture is a digital health company on a mission to create a world where people receive the best care science has to offer. We combine the latest technology and deep clinical expertise to create intuitive and delightful digital … Continued
Santander Internship Stories: Study Fast
At StudyFast we are transforming the way the world learns and we knew we had to find people who were ready to join that mission. When my business needed a copywriter to help us achieve that mission I knew exactly … Continued
Santander Internships stories: the journey to extraordinary destinations
Brilliant Ethiopia and Brilliant Uganda aim to help travellers see Africa as it is, in its resplendent glory, chaos and wonder. We want to tread a delicate balance – between witnessing places as they are, ensuring people experiencing the wonders … Continued
Business Leader Series: Corporate Relocations
Corporate Relocations has over 20 years of experience in relocation services. We provide critical support and services to make a relocation to Greece, a smooth and stress-free experience. Last year, we felt so fortunate to have the opportunity to join … Continued
Cambridge Judge entrepreneurs lead volunteer effort to make thousands of face shields for NHS staff
Entrepreneurs, doctors and innovative design engineers collaborate to manufacture, assemble, package & deliver protective face shields for frontline staff in the fight against COVID-19. Last month, Lucy Jung, co-founder of a medical device start-up, Charco, approached US company Delve, who … Continued
EnterpriseWOMEN success story: the uncomfortable force of public speaking
And here I am. I feel immobile, scrutinised, vulnerable, powerless, awkward and naked. My knees are trembling. My hands are sweating. My heart is pounding. My breath is shortening. My head is spinning. My core is shaking. I cannot focus and I fake smiling. … Continued
EnterpriseWOMEN success story: clear the stage for female entrepreneurs
The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the words ‘Centre Stage’ is standing in front of a lot of people: being exposed to their attention and high expectations, being in the limelight. This does not usually … Continued
EnterpriseWOMEN success story: to all women taking centre stage – stop apologising
I walked into the room as I walk into all events at Cambridge Judge Business School – confident, self-assured, hiding the nerves inside. However, there was something surprisingly unsettling about being in a room full of women, all successful businesswomen, … Continued
Enterprise Tuesday Keynote Insights: Start Codon founder on teams
Dr Jason Mellad, Founder of Start Codon, shares key insights on fostering innovation and how to build the right team, ahead of Enterprise Tuesday on 4 February 2020. The University of Cambridge is renowned for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. What … Continued
EnterpriseWOMEN success story: enabling the leader in me
I almost didn’t go… As I read the weekly email from the Cambridge Judge – “EnterpriseWOMEN provides the perfect environment to learn and be inspired by other successful female business leaders” – I thought … that is not aimed at … Continued