The Transformative Potential of MedTech Innovation

By Tony Kypreos (pictured above), coach, entrepreneur, corporate innovator, and investor  MedTech holds vast potential to reshape healthcare. AI-powered diagnostics, personalized medicine, and real-time monitoring devices are bringing care closer to patients in ways that can both enhance outcomes and … Continued

Enterprise Tuesday Keynote Insights: Anthony Rose on pivoting and procrastination

I’m Anthony Rose, Founder and CEO at SeedLegals. In a previous role I led on BBC iPlayer and helped the BBC to transition live TV to on-demand services and change content distribution forever.  At SeedLegals, we help startups with all the legals they need to grow their team, raise investment and take … Continued

Venture Voices: HappyrHealth

posted in: Education, Innovation | 1

Patients are the better innovators Who would be the best person to tackle the challenges of patients? Exactly, patients themselves. No one knows more about a patient’s problem than those who themselves suffer from the disease and its associated problems … Continued