A high-performing team is the key to a successful business

I’ve listened to many outstanding pitches from entrepreneurs over the past few years. With every idea I hear pitched, I’m always encouraged by the enthusiasm, confidence, energy, optimism, and creativity of the entrepreneurs. But I’ve never seen an entrepreneur’s idea … Continued

The insurer and InsureTech – a happy marriage?

By Tracey Smith, FinTech and InsureTech Lead at Direct Line Group (DLG) InsureTech has been the buzzword of 2017, with almost weekly conferences on digital innovation attended by 100s of insurers trying to understand how to be more innovative and … Continued

Emerging opportunities in RegTech

By Kieran Garvey, Head of Regulation & Policy at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance RegTech (Regulatory Technology) is a rapidly developing area of market activity encompassing a wide array of firms adopting and applying innovative technologies to facilitate the … Continued

DisruptEd – exploring emerging technology for education

By Geoff Stead, Director of Digital & New Products at Cambridge English Language Assessment Education empowers. Education controls.Education opens doors. Education excludes.Education is both the key and the weapon.Disrupt Education. How do you see the use of technology in education? … Continued